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Francesco La Camera [Senior Advisor]
Francesco La Camera, Director-General of International Renewable Energy Agency

Francesco La Camera is the Director-General of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). He was appointed at the Ninth Assembly of IRENA, the ultimate decision-making body of the Agency. Mr. La Camera took office on 4 April 2019 and brings more than thirty years of experience in the fields of climate, sustainability, and international cooperation.

In his role, Mr. La Camera is responsible for leading the delivery of IRENA’s work programme and strategy in cooperation with the Agency’s member states. At a critical time for climate change and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, Mr. La Camera is tasked with redefining the structure and operations of the Agency in response to the urgent needs of its members.

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Guidance Unit: All-China Environment Federation
Copyright Unit: "Belt and Road" Eco-industry Cooperation Working Committee
ICP No.18014788-2