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Grigor Porozhanov: how to mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises to participate in environmental protection

Source: B&R Working Committee

Every time I hear about China's new policy on environmental protection, I feel very exciting. China wants to play a leading role in green development and the world is constantly hoping to overcome the COVID-19 and recover from it. Under such a background, we need to embrace new environmental strategies and launch some new measures, for example, environmental and ecological development, as well as new ways and methods of energy utilization, sustainable development, utilization of renewable energy, etc. At the same time, Bulgaria also has some new environmental measures. We would like to strike a balance between economic development, sustainable development, environmental protection and civilization, like how to use precious natural resources without sacrificing the benefits of investment in economic development. Which is more important? Our priorities are worth discussing.

How can we mobilize the enthusiasm of the enterprises and help us achieve such a grand goal together? In fact, the EU's Green New Deal will also have many measures, such as opening some new wastewater treatment plants, biological fertilizer treatment plants, etc. The projects led by the EU will also have some pilot projects in Bulgaria, and we will also have some demonstration projects from which you can see how this urban pollutant is treated, recycled and reused through a network. We are learning the latest experience and best practices not only at home, and at the EU level, but also at the international level. For example, how we can cope with climate change and how we can adapt to the challenges brought about by it, we all need to brainstorm and share our solutions on the table. We have also established a trust fund at the national level. First, it aims to improve the green development of buildings. Second, how to improve energy efficiency in the government sector, that is, public-private partnership, in the construction sector, there are joint efforts of the government and the private sector. We also protect mineral water in Bulgaria to make drinking water resources accessible to thousands of families through the protection of mineral water. The Bulgarian Ministry of environment and water has become a leading institution, and has mobilized a lot of social resources. It is capable of favoring resources, policies, funds and financing to the participants and stakeholders in need. Environment should be one of our most valuable resources, but if we do not protect it well, such a resource will not be able to be used by us in the end. Any sector of sustainable protection, sustainable utilization and sustainable development cannot be neglected. So why should we talk about circular economy and harmonious economic development? That is, we should not blindly pursue economic performance at the expense of the environment. In the business community, we should regard ourselves as an environmental entrepreneur and environmental citizen rather than a tax citizen, and you are also an environmental citizen.

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Guidance Unit: All-China Environment Federation
Copyright Unit: "Belt and Road" Eco-industry Cooperation Working Committee
ICP No.18014788-2